We are different because our credentials allow us to offer a broad range of portfolio management and financial planning solutions customized for your specific needs, goals and life stage.
For financial planning and portfolio management to be done adequately it has to start with an understanding of your goals as it encompasses the combination of financial/investment advice, accounting/tax services and legal/estate planning.
But before we talk about numbers we want to talk about you. What is your current situation? What are your goals? What are you afraid of? What are your expectations and concerns? Then, we apply a clear, well-defined and objective process.
Financial Planning
This is where it all starts. Every person and every journey is different so no financial plan should look the same. Some of the primary financial planning concepts we address: cash flow and spending, investment analysis, employee benefits, college funding, insurance, income tax and estate planning strategies and charitable gifting. Then we develop a plan incorporating all of your financial accounts no matter where they are held. This full picture allows us to determine if you are on track to meet specific goals and helps us make decisions throughout life that are most appropriate for you.
Investment Management
As each individual is unique, so is our approach to money management. Our investment committee is comprised of professionals carrying the Chartered Financial Analyst® (CFA) designation, the highest distinction in the investment management profession. Our knowledge and insight into the stock market enables us to craft an investment portfolio uniquely tailored to you. We work with you to identify your short- and long-term objectives, determine your optimal risk tolerance and design a strategy that aligns with your timeline. We analyze your existing investments, then make recommendations based on your specific financial circumstances. We educate you on the rationale behind each investment decision so you’re well-versed in the logic of our approach.
Risk Management
Our assessment aims to mitigate the financial and other losses associated with life’s risks. From proper life insurance protection , asset protection to safe money solutions, we map out a strategy for dealing with various potential risks. As life changes, we’ll review your program to make sure it’s still right for you along the road to building and preserving wealth.
Tax Strategies
Do you want to reduce your tax burden? Do you want to increase your assets? We can work with your tax preparer or CPA (or can refer you to one) to review your return for opportunities to help minimize taxes and we look for ways throughout the year to help reduce your tax burden by:
Restructuring your investment portfolio to produce a higher after-tax return
Shifting income to dependents in a lower tax bracket
Claiming appropriate home office deductions
Maximizing qualified plan and IRA contributions
Identifying all the deductions that apply to your small business
Estate Planning
You may think estate planning is only for the wealthy. Not true. Estate Planning is more than a Will and is more than just determining who gets your property when you pass away. It is about minimizing the financial and emotional costs for you and your loved ones. Whether you wish to create your estate plan for the first time or update your existing plan, our team of professionals help you create a comprehensive and personalized estate plan for your legacy that will provide you with the financial confidence you deserve.
Business Owner
Our suite of services allows business owners to focus on their business. We provide business owner financial planning, investment management including concentrated equity positions, ways to maximize stock options, executive benefits, business succession planning, tax planning, captive insurance, key employee protection, buy/sell agreements, disability buy-out as well as retirement plans services including: traditional and Roth 401(k), profit sharing, Defined Benefit, Comparability, non-qualified. ESOP, Executive Bonus Plans, SIMPLE/SEP IRAs and more.
Retirement Plans
We take a strategic approach to program design, employee education, investment analysis, plan monitoring, communication and ongoing support. Rely on our in-depth plan design experience and consultation on almost any plan type or combination of plans.
Employer-Sponsored Plans
Small to Large Sized Plans
Profit or Nonprofit
Bundled or Unbundled
Registered or Unregistered
Plan Types
Defined Contribution
Defined Benefit
Retirement Plan Service Overview
Fiduciary Support
Comprehensive and ongoing fiduciary guidance, training and support to mitigate potential liabilities.
Investment Analysis
Propriety fund ranking system that aims to enhance outcomes, manage risks and reduce fiduciary exposure.
Courageous Plan Design
Plan design assessments that strive to increase an employers benefits return on investment (ROI) while striving to enhance participant retirement outcomes.
Fee Benchmarking
RFP driven process to ensure apple-to-apple comparisons and to help maximize a plan's negotiating leverage.
Target Date Fund Consulting
Advanced risk-based suitability process to identify a "best-fit" target date fund series that is right for you plan.
Employee Engagement
Highly customized plan participant content structured to help optimize and increase financial wellness.